
2010 Yamaha YZF-R1 MotoGP Replica

Yamaha YZF-R1 MotoGP Replica
Yamaha YZF-R1 MotoGP Replica
Yamaha YZF-R1 MotoGP Replica

treadwear rating on motorcycle tires

motorcycle tires
Motorcycle Tires

Motorcycle Tire Tips

Motorcycle tires are oftentimes misunderstood. This is a saddening fact. They must be well-taken care of because they affect comfort, safety, handling as well as the entire ride. We hot bikers must be aware of the two types of tire construction – the bias-ply and the radial. Cruisers, usually use bias-ply tires. On the other hand, sport bikes use radials. Bias-ply has a round profile and high sidewalls while a radial tire has a flatter profile and shorter sidewalls.

In bias-ply, the carcass is made up of overlapping layers of nylon or rayon cords. The flexing action generates heat to result to a good grip. The disadvantage though of this construction is that it decreases performance and accelerates tire wear when too much heat is generated. Radial tire construction, however, got is name because its plies are running at a 90-degree angle. As oppose to the bias-ply, this construction reduces heat generation. As a result, tires are cooler. The adverse effect though is that the sidewalls are easily flexed. Thus, the sidewalls are given a shorter profile. Tire pressure really matters to the tires. Therefore, it has to be checked regularly.

Aside from tire construction, bikers must also be knowledgeable about tire wear in relation to choosing tires. Softer compounds are good in producing more traction however, they wear out quickly. Harder compounds have better wear but they may not cause a good grip. Moreover, OEM or aftermarket motorcycle parts manufacturers and distributors must consider dealing with effective grip coupled with longer mileage when it comes to tires. This is of course to prolong the life of motorcycle tires.
One factor that can affect tire wear is the hot biker’s riding style. Aggressive bikers usually have their front tire to wear out faster than the rear. This is because they tend to brake late with mostly the front brake. In contrast, cruiser riders, normally wear out the rear tire first. The reason is that they have more weight at the back of the bike.

In order to know, when to change your tires, you can do the ‘penny test’. To do this, put a penny into a tire groove with its head pointing down if you can see the top of the head of the person in the coin, well, its time to change tires. It can be an indication that the tread depth has already reached 1/32 of an inch. Remember, new tires will have a very different contact patch and lean-over edge.
Have a feel of your new tires. Yield a better and optimum road grip and find your edge in the hot biker community!

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Motorcycle Models

Here is just a taste of what we’ve got coming for you from Jack McIntyre, Den, Biker Pics and The Death Riders! Prepare to be impressed. Today, we have six lovely ladies to tantalize your tactile “tensions”… mmm, and I do mean dynamic tensions…

Motorcycle Models

Suzuki Skydrave

suzuki Skydrive adalah gacoan baru kelas automaticnya/maticnya Suzuki. Sedari dulu sejak Suzuki mulai memperkanalkan type  automatic, saya belum ada yang cocok, baik secara desain ataupun tongkrongan. Sampai akhirnya tadi pagi ada saudara saya Muhammad Bardi, yang menawarkan type terbaru hasil Regenarsi atau bahasa kerennya faceliftnya Spin. Suzuki Skydrive adalah automatic motorcycle yang bermesin 125cc.
Suzuki Skydrive 125cc ini adalah termasuk kelas automatic yang saya sebut maticnya terbaru Suzuki. Waktu Suzuki mencoba masuk kelas matic, tidak ada satupun produk yang menarik hati saya. Bagi saya desainnya masih sangat kaku dan kurang cocok untuk diri saya :D Tapi dengan berat hati setelah Suzuki Skydrive 125 ini muncul perasaan kuno langsung hilang. Betapa tidak, sedari dulu matic idaman saya Mio Soul yang lebih gagah dibanding Mio standar akhirnya terpatahkan oleh sang Skydrive ini.
Untuk kelas matic, Roda dari Skydrive ini termasuk yang terbesar, seperti yang kita tau, rata rata roda matic hanya 275 tapi Suzuki Skydrive bermain dengan 300. Untuk warna? warna bisa dibilang antik dan unique, mulai dari merah, biru, perak dan emas dan tentu saja hitam. Seperti Suzuki Masa lalu saya yang heboh dengan Adira Financenya yang berwarna biru, Skydrive saya inpun kembali saya ambil corak biru dengan lebih nuansa metalicnya ;)

Gimana dengan tongkrongan?

Mantap dan tak terkira, kalau perlu bukti? silahkan coba tengok dari beberapa tangkapan lensa saya ini.

Konsumsi Bahan Bakar?

Berdasar informasi, konsumsi bahan bakar Skydrive 125 termasuk irit, dengan 1liter bensin, kita bisa tempuh 45km atau bisa sampai 50km dengan mode ngirit atau setidaknya bisa sampai 40km. Lumayan ngirit untuk kelas matic bukan?

Dari sisi kesisi

Sisi depan, sisi belakang untuk saat ini masih tanpa cela secara saya. Coba aja tengok kembali
Jadi apa Suzuki Skydrive 125 ini saya rekomendasikan untuk anda semua? Hanya satu jawaban saya… JANGAN BELI produk ini… kalau anda ingin MENYESAL… menyesal yang teramat sangat… kenapa tidak beli Suzuki Skydrive 125 sedari dulu…. ;)

First Yamaha Motorcycle 1955

The Yamaha YA-1 was the first Yamaha Motorcycle model ever produced. The 125cc, single cylinder, 2-stroke, street bike had unique features including a cantilever seat, a plunger rear suspension system and a glove compartment in the fuel tank area.

In 1955 when Yamaha developed its first motorcycle, the Yamaha YA-1, there were about 150 motorcycle makers struggling to compete in Japan's young motorcycle industry, and Yamaha Motors was the last company to enter the fray. At this time, the company had 274 employees working in two single-story wooden buildings that served as factories where they produced about 200 motorcycles a month.

2009 Motorcycle models

2009 Motorcycle models

about suzuki

Anybody can drive. To ride, you need passion.

It’s that favorite road, where you know the pavement like a good friend. The wild stretch of woods that begs you to wander and explore. Or the call of the racetrack that has you up early on weekends. At Suzuki, we build bikes because we share your enthusiasm to get out and go. For us, it’s a Way of Life. And you’ll feel it here on our new site.

We’ve made it simple to comparison-shop multiple models, so you can find exactly what you are looking for. And we’ve upgraded the image galleries, so you can view our entire lineup of cycles or ATVs on a single page. It’s almost like visiting the showroom from your living room.
There’s something new here for everyone. ATV riders will dig the exciting additions to the KingQuad family. Road riders will be thrilled to meet our latest street beast, the B-King. So whether you’re a skilled rider scoping out the new Gladius or a beginner eager to put some miles on the friendly TU250X, you’ll feel the pure excitement that comes with owning a new Suzuki.A new year, a new website. We know you share the same passion for motorcycles and ATVs as we at Suzuki do. We've put that same passion into our website so we can better show you our latest and greatest.

With the new site you will be able to see more of those details you're looking for with larger images and an enhanced image gallery. What better way to better get to know new models such as the Gladius and the TU250X. We've also made it easier to compare related editons to each model so  you can now immediatley see the myriad of exciting new additons to the KingQuad lineup. And we'll bet you didn't fully realize the full breadth of the Suzuki product line until you view the Cycles and ATV pages that shows them all on one page.

You're curious and we've given you more ways to explore. Regardless of whether you are an experienced riding enthusiast or a beginning rider we're certain you'll find something exciting and new about Suzuki motorcycles and ATVs. With so many bikes and ATVs in our lineup that answer to the various desires within the Suzuki ridership, we're confident that you'll see why now, more than ever Suzuki is a Way of Life!

teknologi silinder block yang diterapkan pada : SPIN,SKYWAVE,SKYDRAVE,FU,SOGHUN FL


Suzuki Composite Electrochemical Material (SCEM ) merupakan teknologi Suzuki yang telah terbukti. Dibandingkan metode konvensional yang mengunakan liner besi tuang untuk melindungi dari gesekan dan panas, pada selinder almunium FU 150 SC menggunakan teknologi SCEM yang merupakan sebuah plat dengan ketebalan beberapa micron. Berkurangnya liner besi tuang membuat mesin menjadi lebih ringan dan ringkas dan almunium mempunyai konduktivitas panas yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan besi. SCEM membuat mesin melepas panas secara efisien untuk membantu menjaga suhu kerja optimum.

rumus menghitung perbandingan kompresi

merikut merupakan rumus menghitung pebandingan kompresi sepeda motor.

Dimana :
CR = Perbandingan kompresi
VD  = Volume langkah piston
VC  = Volume ruang di atas piston saat TMA
Contoh : CR = 9,5 : 1

Yamaha Motorcycle

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suzuki skywave 12


Pada dasarnya sistem kelistrikan untuk UW 125 adalah sama dengan model sepeda motor tipe underbone Suzuki lainnya namun ada sedikit perbedaan pada sistem starting motor. Berikut ini akan diuraikan beberapa sistem kelistrikan pada UW 125 :
Ø  Sistem Pengapian
Sistem pengapian UW 125 menerapkan sistem pengapian DC-CDI, yangmana dengan sistem pengapian ini, besarnya api pada busi tidak dipengaruhi oleh putaran mesin. Dan pada kecepatan rendah sekalipun, api yang dihasilkan busi tetap besar. Waktu pengapianpun diatur dengan tepat oleh ignition timing control circuit sesuai kebutuhan.

Ignition System

Ø  Sistem Pengisian Dan Penerangan
Sistem pengisian dan penerangan pada UW 125 memiliki sistem yang sama dengan model sepeda motor tipe underbone Suzuki lainnya. Pada sistem pengisian, UW 125 mengaplikasikan stator assy 1 fase yangmana tegangan yang dihasilkannya digunakan untuk melakukan pengisian tegangan terhadap battery berkapasitas 12V 3.5 Ah/10HR dengan tipe maintenance free. Sedangkan untuk sistem penerangan, UW 125 mengaplikasikan sistem penerangan AC untuk penerangan lampu depan dan lampu belakang
Starter System


Berikut ini akan ditampilkan letak dari masing-masing komponen kelistrikan pada UW 125
Ø  Lampu Depan & Lampu Sein
Lampu depan UW 125 dilengkapi dengan dua lampu utama dan dua lampu senja yang di tempatkan pada sisi kiri dan kanan front leg shield cover dengan desain reflektor yang lebih besar. Letak lampu sein UW 125 menyatu dengan lampu utama dengan desain yang trendy dan dinamis.
Ø  Speedometer
Speedometer UW 125 di desain lebih menarik dan dilengkapi pula dengan fuel level gaug

Ø  Battery
UW 125 mengaplikasikan maintenance free battery untuk memudahkan pengendara dalam hal perawatan battery. Pengendara tidak perlu lagi melakukan pengecekan kapaitas air accu dan pengisian air accu seperti yang dilakukan pada battery konvensional. Selain itu posisi battery terletak di tengah frame front cover hanya membuka frame side left cover sehingga mudah dijangkau.

Posisi Battery

Ø   Regulator/Rectifier Unit
Regulator/rectifier unit pada UW 125 terletak tepat di bawah fraame front cover

Regulator/Rectifier Unit

Ø  Lampu Belakang
Lampu belakang UW 125 di desain tidak menggunakan bohlam biasa, sehingga tidak terjadi kerusakan filament, yang membuatnya bebas perawatan serta konsumsi listrik yang kecil sehingga lebih menghemat battery.

Buy A Car With Bad Credit - When Is The Right Time To Purchase A Car?

Buy A Car With Bad Credit - When Is The Right Time To Purchase A Car?
If you are thinking about purchasing a new car with bad credit, timing is important. Sadly, millions of people are living with bad credit. Unfortunately, it takes time to improve or boost credit rating. Still, if you need to buy a new car, there are options. Before buying a car, carefully consider whether now is the right time.

Can You Buy a Car with Bad Credit?

Buying a new or used car with bad credit is very possible. Of course, there are some disadvantages. Because of a bad credit rating, many lenders consider bad credit applicants a huge risk. Thus, they are likely to increase the interest rate on the auto loan. This way, if and when a loan defaults, the auto lender is able to recover some of their money. Furthermore, some dealership will not approve a bad credit loan application unless there is a co-signer or down payment.

When is Buying a Car with Bad Credit a Good Idea?

If you are hoping to quickly improve your credit score, buying a car with bad credit is a wise move. Rebuilding or re-establishing credit is challenging. However, if you obtain an auto loan, and make regular payments, your credit will improve in as little as six months. Increasing your credit score opens the door for lower rates on future auto loans and credit account.

Because bad credit auto loans have higher interest rates, you must be in a position to afford higher monthly payments. If possible, finance a low amount. You may choose to buy an inexpensive car, or purchase the car with a sizeable down payment.

Purchasing a New Automobile after Bankruptcy or Repossession

If you experienced a recent bankruptcy or repossession, consider postponing buying a new car. A bankruptcy or repossession is extremely damaging. Hence, if financing a new vehicle, you may obtain an interest rate 18% or higher.

To avoid excessively high rates, consider rebuilding your credit first. You may apply for an unsecured credit card or store credit card. After 12 months of timely payments, your credit score will have likely improved. Make a habit of reviewing your personal credit report. Once your credit score has improved, now is the time to finance a new vehicle.

MODIFIKASI Suzuki Spin 125 2009 | X-Treem Harian

Consumer willingness modikator as desired. Yes, make motors that remain eligible for MODIF daily. Not just contezt! That proved Raynaldo Handoko on Bobby's Suzuki Spin 125, consumers who live in areas Tembalang Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java.

"Demand Bobby was like that. Not merely good in appearance, but also comfortable to wear daily, "says the owner of BJM Modified workshop on Jl. Sudirman, No. 128, Semarang, Central Java

Concept promoted to skubek bearing manufacturers 'S', low rider. But again, low rider daily. Hence, to be consistent with the concept, backdated from the standard engine mounting. Wheel base, increased length of 25 cm.

"Engine pipe mounting regenerated using 3x4 cm box. But, so rigid and strong, the pipe was coated with iron plate thickness 4 mm, "said the man was 28 years.

In order to look more and more sweet, engine mounting no covered fiberglass. Thus, the withdrawal process engine is not too flashy. Not only the engine and the wheels are back, but the model also join taxable touch pretentious.

Now, it adopted a model skubek monosock true. Yes, monosock which is in the middle frame and engine. It's no longer on the left side rear. For his own ass, take the brand to Yamaha Jupiter MX135 YSS.

Under quasi holder, placed in the engine mounting. Who's grip on the ass, embracing a model which is positioned at the center pin chassis. Plate holder is made of 6 mm.
Finish holder and backing wheel base, new problems arise. Namely, the carburetor is stuck order. Eit, but this is quickly overcome Handoko. "I changed the direction of the carburetor through the intake used Honda Supra replacement and played a little. So, now garnish direction to the right side, "I am a man who has a website

The final step, of course wheels. Low rider, baseball seemed to be complete if you cool wheel applications. Thus, adopting Handoko Honda Genio rim to the front. Genio is the diameter of the can rim 14 inches and width 4 inches customed again.

Moderate rear rim, rim wear Suzuki Jimny cricket. "The diameter of the same, but have a width of 8 inches. My custom again be 7 inches. So if we are using 160/60-14 tires, could be more rounded, "said a man who was 5 years old playing this modification. Sip!


Front tire: 120/60-14 Swallow
Rear tire: 160/60-14 Swallow
Exhaust: Password
Gas spontaneously: Kitaco
Raiser handlebars: Kitaco
Airs next: Variations Thailand
BJM Modified: 0812-2888-122

Suzuki Spin 125 Pasang Lampu Senja

lampuLampu di cover depan Suzuki Spin 125 terkesan mubazir. Itu karena hanya digunakan untuk lampu sein. Padahal dimensinya cukup besar. Hal ini yang membuat Karim mekanik Suzuki Arjosari Malang  kepikiran menambah lampu senja atau lampu kecil.

pasang lampu “Caranya gampang tapi efeknya terasa. Motor lebih keren dan semakin terlihat jelas di malam hari,” kata Karim sang mekanik. Kalau mau ikut pasang ayo. Pertama, cover depan dibuka beserta batok lampu. Setelah cover lepas, lanjut copot mika lampu sein dari rumahnya (gbr. 1). Setelah mika lepas, bagian rumah lampu dibor. “Posisi bor dibikin di atas sein, ukuran lubang disesuaikan sama bohlam yang mau dipasang (gbr. 2),” cerita Karim. Kali ini Karim membuat lubang berdiameter 12 mm untuk tempat bohlam. Bohlam kemudian dipasang ke lubang dan siap diberi arus.

Untuk arus listrik harus menyiapkan dua kabel di setiap lampu. “Kabel di lampu tambahan ini disambungkan ke soket lampu utama,” lanjut pria bertubuh sedang ini. Disambungkan ke kabel abu-abu dan hitam.

pasang lampu senja

Kalau sudah tersambung semuanya, maka otomatis lampu baru sudah bisa menyala (gbr. 3). Agar aman pastikan setiap sambungan kabel dibungkus isolasi.

mekanik : Wak Karim
CP        : 085649515185

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